Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My favorite movie is Bourne Identity. This movie is about a man name Bourne (Matt Damon) who is found in the ocean with a bullet in his back with no memory about his life. Through out the whole movie he tries to find out who he is and what happened to him, with clues he finds. He finds out that he is being hunted and takes off on a journey to find his real identity. This is a very action packed movie filled with lots of adventure and excitement.

I love this movie because you find out everything the same time as Bourne. This movie really makes you think and demands your full attention. I love all the action and fight scenes; they are actually realistic and very believable. I also like this movie because I can actually see it happening, it isn't like other movies like "I am legend" which is very unbelievable. This is the first movie of the series and is Critical in understanding the plot in the other two. Bourne identity will keep you on the edge of your seat and always thinking. I also like it because there is nothing else out there that is like this. All the scenes are realistic and very action packed.

The reviews are in...and they look good. In the reviews I read they all liked the movie and the plot it was the actor choices and timing of the movie that were off. "Damon is also a pleasant surprise. With his intellectual manner, slight build and Howdy Doody looks, he would seem a most unlikely action hero" (Arnold) they don't like that Damond was picked to be the ex CIA agent but in reality I think he pulled this role off very well and not many others could. Also they don't like the timing that is was released, soon after 9/11. They didn't like this because it was showing corruption in the CIA or the American government. Over all most of the reviews are saying how excellent this movie is and how it is a must see.

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