Monday, February 11, 2008

Pan's Labyrinth

Pan’s Labyrinth is a compelling film about the thoughts and fantasies of a little girl. It has a great meaning and a wonderful storyline but the way everything was put together was all wrong. This movie is spoken in spanish and there is engligh subtitles. The language barrier makes it hard to really understand this film. The subtitles are annoying and are zoned out by the end. The characters are unrealistic when she goes into her fantasies. I am still confused at where these thoughts came from. The ending is so typical that it's not even worth watching. The movie has two huge things going on in it and I would hope they would choose one. It is a mix between a historical horror and a children’s tale. It is rated r with good reason, Pan’s labyrinth is not suitable for kids than don’t make it a children’s story. Cinderella does not have blood, gore, and violence. Why mix these two things that have nothing in common. If this movie was a childrens tale and didn't have a ll the gore it would be a good movie. This film has gotten so much praise and aclaim, but I don't really understand why. The plot is confusing, there is too much going on, and it is to hard to understand when I don't even speak spanish.I think this movie is terrible and only deserves a one out if four stars.

According to the review of Pan’s Labyrinth by Maitland McDonagh from TV Guide. She rated this movie four stars out of four. The only thing I agree with is her statement “Del Toro understands the shadowy power of folk stories in which wicked stepparents dispose of unwanted youngsters” (McDonagh). She is right the director Del Toro does portray that well but that was taken to the extreme with the neglect that was given to the little girl. Otherwise the rest of this review is very wrong. Maitland loves this movie and everything about it. She never questions why these two different types of films a mixed for one mess. “His film ranks with the best examinations of children's inner lives” (McDonagh). I feel like it defiantly wasn’t the best and the only thoughts she portrayed were that she wanted her mother and she wanted to be a princess. She talks about how this movie is depressing and you feel for the little girl. I do agree with that its a very sad movie and almost put me into tears BUT I was to confused to be sad. She also liked how this movie flowed really well. While I on the other hand thought this movie was really confusing and hard to follow along; I had to figure out everything about her stepfather and his corruption in the military. I am still confused at where this fantasy came from. In conclusion this isn’t a very good film and is getting to much praise for it.
I thought that Pan's Labyrinth was an ok film but does not deserve four stars. If you are good at spanish or following subtitles or enjoy films that are kind of confusing and leaves you on your own to figure out; than watch this movie. Also if you like unique movies see this because I have never seen a movie like this before.

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